My experience with Jekyll on Ubuntu Linux has revealed an issue where the correct mime type is not being added to a .css file in the _site/css/ directory. This problem came to light when uploading the site to an AWS S3 bucket, resulting in errors and rendering issues.
Here are the steps I've taken:
- Initialized a new Jekyll site using
jekyll new s3upload
- Built the site with
jekyll build
- Served the site using
jekyll serve
The site serves well and renders correctly in the browser. However, the newly created file, main.css in the _site/css directory, is labeled with a mime type of text/plain. When uploaded to an Amazon Web Services bucket for serving, it fails because the correct mime type should be text/css.
Is this a bug within Jekyll? How can I address this issue so that new .css files are created with the appropriate text/css mime type?
I am relatively new to this.