What methods can be employed to prevent a custom CSS from overriding my personal styles?


I've created a website with unique styles that I really like. However, I want to enhance its functionality by incorporating a custom dialog box from the BootBox library.

The problem is that the extensive style sheet that comes with BootBox completely clashes with my existing website design, ruining the look and feel of my site.

Is there a way to isolate the effects of the BootBox.css file so it only affects the specific part of my code where the dialog box is used, rather than impacting the entire site layout?

Answer №1

If you're looking to utilize the same styling framework as bootstrap, consider using LESS.

For instance:

#UsingBootbooxStyle {      
   @import (less) "bootstrap.css"; //including bootstrap styles

Check out the documentation here:

Answer №2

To ensure that the bootbox css only affects a certain div, you will need to include the class of the target div before each bootbox css rule.

For example, if you had:

<div class="bootbox">
   <!-- bootbox html here -->

and the bootbox styles were:

h1 {
   color: red;
   padding: 0;

h2 {
   color: blue;
   margin: 10px 0;

You would then modify it to:

.bootbox h1 {
   color: red;
   padding: 0;

.bootbox h2 {
   color: blue;
   margin: 10px 0;

If the bootbox css is extensive, you may need to identify which rules are causing issues and apply a specific class to those rules instead of all of them.

Answer №3

With the assistance of technologies like LESS or [SASS] (http://sass-lang.com), the process becomes less demanding.

If LESS is your choice, simply enclose all bootbox css rules within a parent root element. For example:

.bootbox {
    /*transfer all bootbox CSS rules here*/
    h1 { color: inherit;}
    .someclass { color: red;}

After compilation, it will result in:

.bootbox .h1 { color: inherit }
.bootbox .someclass {color:red;}

Answer №4

One approach is to enclose the BootBox code inside an iframe. This way, the css loaded by the iframe will only affect the content within it. I have successfully implemented this technique to selectively apply bootstrap styling to specific sections of my webpage, like tables, without affecting the rest of the page layout.

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