Is window.getComputedStyle not functioning as anticipated?

Here is a function I created to determine the width and height of a text:

function size_calculation(word,fontSize) {
  const div = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
  div.textContent = word; = `
  const computed_styles = window.getComputedStyle(div);
//return the expected height
//return nothing 
  return ({
    height: computed_styles["height"],

I am puzzled by the fact that after removing the div, all styles' properties in the computed_styles become empty, whereas before removing the div, they hold different values.

As far as my understanding goes, variable values should remain static unless explicitly updated or reassigned (or am I mistaken?).

Can anyone explain why the computed_styles are automatically updating?

Thank you!

P.S: This is not a request for a solution (the solution is quite simple), but rather a curiosity about the behavior described above.

Answer №1

Check out the Mozilla Developer Network

The result received is a dynamic CSSStyleDeclaration object that stays up to date as the element's styles undergo changes.

Emphasize the term dynamic.

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