unusual occurrences with CSS and JavaScript when hovering over TEXTAREA or A elements

Lately, I've been facing an unusual issue in my web application (php) that was fine just a month ago.

Upon hovering over a specific < TEXTAREA > or two buttons (add, exit) within a DIV, the background color of the DIV fills up, rendering the INPUT, TEXTAREA, and buttons invisible.

This particular DIV simulates a window with two inputs and OK and exit buttons. I toggle its visibility as one would with a "window" in Windows.

If I hover over any other button on the page (triggering a mouseOver event), the DIV reappears and functions correctly.

The issue occurs when I hover over the TEXTAREA and two buttons, causing the DIV to turn gray.

Thank you for any help!

I hope this is not a bug specific to Chrome. It seems to work fine in Firefox, but Opera presents another challenge. So strange.

Answer №1

After examining your website in Chrome, I was able to easily replicate the issue you described.

Using the "Element Inspector," I removed the overflow:hidden property from .my_links_header_container, and the problem was no longer reproducible.

I tested this multiple times by refreshing the page.

Initially, the problem occurred upon page load, but as soon as I eliminated the overflow:hidden, it never manifested again.

Additionally, I noticed that you have an inline style of display:block on your .add_link_table, even though it is not truly a table element but a div. This redundancy makes me wonder if it was previously intended to be a table element?

Furthermore, I observed several elements whose default display properties were being overridden by your CSS. It seems like part of the problem could be attributed to inconsistencies in how you are handling element displays.

Answer №2

It appears to be a problem with the webkit engine.

While it may not be the most optimal solution, you can experiment with it. I've made some modifications to your addLink method (using plain JavaScript or jQuery selectors as per your preference, while keeping the original code intact).

function addLink()
    var addLinkTable = $("#add_link_table");
        document.getElementById('add_link_table').style.display = 'none';
    } else {
        document.getElementById('add_link_table').style.display ='block';
        setTimeout(showTable, 10);
        function showTable() {
            addLinkTable.css("visibility", "visible");

Try experimenting with changing visibility, opacity, or height to see how it behaves.

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