Having difficulty selecting a nested ul with CSS, I'm currently exploring different options

For the website I am working on, I have a cms system that is responsible for rendering menus. My current task involves selecting the children of the parent menu items, and here is how the code is being generated:

<div class="menu">
         <li><a href="" class="CurrentButton" ... />text</a>

Despite my attempts with CSS to select it, I have not been successful except for using display: none;

.menu ul li div {
    display: none;

.menu > ul > li > a.CurrentButton div {
    display: block;

Could someone help identify what I might be doing wrong? Would it be easier to use a jQuery function for this task? I am new to jQuery, so I'm not sure how to approach writing a function for it.

The goal is to select the div within the li when the anchor inside that li has the class CurrentButton. If the anchor in the li does not have the class, then I want the div hidden.

Answer №1

The examples you provided both rely on locating the .menu element, which was not present in your code before. It is now included.

a.CurrentButton div will target any divs that are within a a.CurrentButton. However, your divs are not nested inside the a tags. You can try this instead:

.menu ul > li > a {
    //targets all the anchor tags, but none of the divs

.menu ul > li > * {
    //selects any elements within an 'li', including both 'a's and 'div's

If you want to select divs following a.CurrentButtons, you can use the following selector:

.menu ul li > a.CurrentButton + div {
    //targets any 'div's directly following 'a.CurrentButton'

Answer №2

For precise targeting, utilize the adjacent elements operator (+).

.menu > ul > li > a.CurrentButton + div {

Alternatively, you may be selecting a non-existent div that is a descendant of CurrentButton.

If specificity isn't crucial, stick with the same selector as before:

.menu > ul > li > div {

Answer №3

If the <ul> mentioned above is nested within an element with the class .menu, and the <div> in question is not a child of a.CurrentButton, you will need to target it using the following CSS selector:

.menu > ul > li > div {
    display: block;

Remember, the use of the > symbol signifies selection of only the direct children of an element.

Answer №4

Give this a shot:

Within your HTML, the div is located next to a.CurrentButton as a sibling. Therefore, you will need to use the + sign.

.menu ul li div {
    display: none;

.menu > ul > li > a.CurrentButton + div {
    display: block;

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