Issue with making a call to retrieve an image from a different directory in ReactJS

This is how it appears

<img className='imgclass' src={"../" + require(aLc.value)} alt='' key={aLc.value} />

I am trying to create a path like ../m/b/image.jpg, where aLc.value contains the path /m/b/image.jpg. I need to add only .. before the folder path, but it is not working. I attempted to do it as shown in the example above, but it gives me the error message:

Error: Cannot find module '/m/b/image.jpg'
. I also tried the following:

<img className='imgclass' src={require(".." + aLc.value)} alt='' key={aLc.value} />

However, this results in an error saying: Error: Cannot find module "."

How can I resolve this issue?

@edit - Resolved with Map function

const ProductsList = ({ data: {loading, error, allLinks }}) => {
  if (loading) {
    return <p>Loading ...</p>;
  if (error) {
    return <p>{error.message}</p>;

  return (
    <div className="productList">
        <div className="container">
            <div className="row">
   aL =>
            <div key={} className="product">

       aLc =>

                    aLc.__typename === 'CustomString' && aLc.attribute_code === 'image'

                        ? <img className='imgclass'  src={require(`../components${aLc.value}`} alt='' key={aLc.value} />  //without subordinate folder 'components' react auto delete one of dots e.g (require(`..${aLc.value}`) => Error: Cannot find module '.' because react deleted one dot.
                    :  aLc.__typename === 'CustomString' && aLc.attribute_code === 'description'
                        ? <div key={}>{aLc.value}</div>
                    :  aLc.__typename === 'CustomArray'
                        ? aV => <div key={aV}>{aV}</div>)
                    : null


            </div> )

allLinks represents the type name of the API. All values are present in the API.

Answer №1

To implement this, you just need to include the following code:

<img className='imgclass' src={`../${aLc.value}`} alt='' key={aLc.value} />

This should be effective in achieving the desired outcome.

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