The alignment of my text appears to be off

I am facing an issue with the second <ul> on my webpage, which contains more content compared to the first one.

In this second <ul>, the last line is appearing floated to the left and does not appear below the penultimate line as expected.

Like this:

Does anyone know how I can align this correctly?

Here is the link to my jsfiddle demonstrating the problem:

My HTML code snippet for reference:


My CSS rules relevant to this section:


Answer №1

If you're looking to create hanging indents, remember that the elements surrounding floated images won't automatically adjust. The text may appear to start at the same point, but it's actually just being pushed to the right of the image. You can fix this by setting up a margin-left for a container element:

Check out this demo for an example:

#example .hanging-indent { margin-left: 190px; }

Answer №2

Consider trying out this alternative:

#custom ul {list-style:none;float:left;margin:0;padding:0;width:60%}

This method allows for unlimited text customization.

Answer №3

I may not have fully understood the question, but here is my attempt.

To create space at the bottom of the image, simply add some padding.

<img  src="images/image2.jpg" width="180" height="170" style="padding-bottom:40px;" />

(Maybe it's better not to do it inline, but you get the idea)

Here is an example:

Once again, I apologize if I misinterpreted your question

Answer №4

Have you taken a look at this JSFiddle page?

All I did was include a

padding-top: 10px; 

within the div element

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