Generate spacing between rows of content in HTML or CSS without affecting the spacing between lines of text

In my R Markdown document in R, I want to replace the header labeled "Preface" with grey lines for visual indication. Here's the code snippet I've tried:


However, there seems to be no margin at the beginning and some at the end. Adding a <br> is too much, and I'm looking for a solution similar to this document with proper spacing.

I can't use padding because I already have borders applied through CSS:

  border-top:1px solid #a19c97;
  font-size: 16px;
  border-bottom:1px solid #a19c97;

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: One potential solution could involve adding two more CSS IDs – one before and one after the #preface ID – with the borders specified in those IDs and using padding within the preface ID. I'll explore this option if a better solution doesn't arise.

Answer №1

It appears that setting the border-top property creates a border at the top of the element, separate from the use of padding.

Initially, I thought that adding padding would also impact the appearance of the border-top, but it turns out that it does not.

The border-top is positioned between the green and orange boxes in the image.

This is the CSS styling for the element with ID #preface:

  margin-top: 20px;
  border-top:1px solid #95c11f;
  padding-top: 10px;
  padding-left: 15px;
  padding-right: 15px
  font-size: 16px;
  border-bottom:1px solid #95c11f;
  margin-bottom: 20px;
  padding-bottom: 10px;

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