Raising the css value for each element that is impacted

I am faced with an infinite number of elements that I need to arrange next to each other. Each element has a class called "box". My goal is to separate each box by 10px increments, meaning the first element will have a left property of 0px, the second 10px, the third 20px, and so on up to n elements at 10 * n px. Can someone guide me on achieving this using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and jQuery?

Thank you.

Answer №1


According to user feedback, the desired outcome can be easily achieved with the help of the plugin called Swiper. Please see below for an example.


Previous Solution:

I attempted to fulfill your request, but it appears to be unattractive with elements placed side by side. I utilized float:left and margin-left instead of left positioning.


The second version involves the use of position:absolute, feel free to review this one.


Is this simpler approach more in line with what you had in mind?


Do these examples assist you?

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