Issue with Angular 6: Animation with LESS is failing to work post deployment

Hello everyone, I'm facing an issue with my LESS animation. When I deploy my app on the server after using ng build --prod, the CSS animations are not visible in browsers. They work perfectly fine on localhost but fail to work after deployment and I can't figure out why.


My website:


      "options": {
        "outputPath": "dist/website",
        "index": "src/index.html",
        "main": "src/main.ts",
        "polyfills": "src/polyfills.ts",
        "tsConfig": "src/",
        "assets": [
        "styles": [
        "scripts": [

Keyframes mixins:

     .keyframes(rollimg, {
              0% {
                right: -300px;
                opacity: 0;} 
              50% {
                right: 0;
                opacity: 0.8;}
              60% {
                right: -40px;}
              100% {
                right: 0;
                opacity: 1;}
.keyframes (scrollup, {
    0% {
        top: 0;}
    50% {
        top: 10px;}
    100% {
        top: 0;}

Both animations do not work as expected. Can anyone point out what mistake I might be making?

Answer №1

Oops, my mistake! My .animation Mixin was the culprit. Issue resolved!

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