Mastering the fundamentals of integrating/augmenting a fresh template in Umbraco

Let me be completely honest. Umbraco is unlike any other CMS I have worked with before. I am currently struggling to grasp the proper method of creating a Template and integrating it into Umbraco.

How exactly can I add a template? I am making changes to the starter kit provided, but it's not meeting my needs. I can't seem to locate a "Template" directory in my Umbraco 4.7 installation.

Is there a more efficient way to accomplish this task?

Answer №1

To handle all templates, simply navigate to the Templates section within the Umbraco interface. This can be accessed through Settings > Templates in the Umbraco back office.

For additional customization, consider creating XSLT Files under Developer > XSLT Files. These files can act as templates for macros that enhance the functionality of your website (more information on XSLT macros can be found here: ).

While I personally haven't explored editing templates outside of Umbraco, there is a Visual Studio project template available for this purpose. This template replicates the Umbraco folder structure within a VS solution, ensuring that documents are uploaded to the correct directories. More information can be found here:

Answer №2

To customize the appearance of your Umbraco website, start by accessing the Settings section in the admin panel. Locate the Templates folder and create a new template by right-clicking on it. You can easily make changes to this template directly within the admin panel.

If you prefer to edit the template using a different editor such as Visual Studio, navigate to your Umbraco installation directory where you will find folders like masterpages (containing WebForms templates) and Views (containing Razor templates). Inside these folders, you will find .master or .cshtml files that you can edit in your preferred editor before adding them back to your project.

Umbraco seamlessly handles template modifications made externally, allowing for greater customization options.

Answer №3

To generate templates in the umbraco CMS, navigate to the Settings section and locate the Templates category. Simply right-click on it to create new templates.

If you have experience with .Net web development, you may already be familiar with master pages. By creating a master template and child templates in a similar fashion, the child template will inherit all controls from the master template.

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