Alignment issue with Ul dropdown menus and shadow

After stumbling upon a fascinating menu design at this link, I decided to tweak it for center alignment by following the advice on this forum thread.

Unfortunately, my efforts have hit a roadblock - the drop down menus aren't aligning as intended and I'm struggling to rectify that issue.

Below is a snippet of the code in question:


<!-- Your HTML Code Here -->


/*Your CSS Styles Here*/

/* Additional CSS Styles Here */

If anyone could provide some guidance or assistance, it would be greatly appreciated. Your input could help me overcome this challenge.

EDIT: A key concern is that the sub-menu content overflows beyond its designated container. It's imperative for the content to remain contained within this area. Assistance in resolving this specific issue would be highly valued.

Answer №1

To address the issue with the sub-menu positioning, simply adjust the CSS code by adding left: 0px as demonstrated below:

.ddsmoothmenu ul li ul li {
    float: none;
    display: list-item; /* or display: inline as mentioned */
    left: 0px; /* include this line for correct positioning */

Check out a live demo here

Answer №2

Inspect your HTML code and you may notice that there are two instances of the <!DOCTYPE html> tag. Remove the second occurrence of the doctype.

After making this adjustment, test your code again.

For reference, here is a link to a JSFiddle example:

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