What is the best way to add a border to the <map coordinates>?

Is there a way to add a border around the active link section of an image defined by coordinates? I have been able to show an outline when the user clicks using outline-color and href, but now I need a default border around the specified coordinates. I am not very familiar with CSS, so any help would be appreciated. Would it be recommended to use JavaScript to mark it at specific intervals?

<!DOCTYPE html>
img[usemap], map area[shape]{
    outline-color: #F00;
<img src="unnamed.png" usemap="#mark">

<map name="mark">
    <area shape="rect" coords="10,10,50,50" href="#">

Answer №1

To ensure that the area remains in focus at all times, we can use the following method:

<img src="unnamed.png" usemap="#mark">

<map name="mark">
   <area onblur="this.focus()" autofocus shape="rect" coords="10,10,50,50" href="#">
   <!-- By using the 'autofocus' attribute here, I am guaranteeing that it will always stay focused -->

Answer №2

It appears that instead of using an anchor tag, you are utilizing an area tag in your code. However, I assume this is the method you have chosen to use. Consider the following:

  area:link, area:hover, area:active, area:focus {
   border: 5px #f00 solid;

      <img src="unnamed.png" usemap="#mark">

     <map name="mark">
      <area shape="rect" coords="10,10,50,50" href="#">

If you prefer to achieve this using an actual anchor tag, you could do something like this:

  a:link, a:hover, a:active, a:focus {
   border: 5px #f00 solid;

      <img src="unnamed.png" usemap="#mark">

     <map name="mark">
      <a shape="rect" coords="10,10,50,50" href="#"></a>

Answer №3

By adding a border to the map element, you will observe that it appears after the image and appears empty with zero width and height.

To address this issue, JavaScript can be used to obtain the area dimensions/position and then apply them to the padding and margin styles of the map. The element's position must be set to absolute in order for the border to display over the image.

Ps: the yellow rectangle represents the image.

function buildborder(map,area){
var coords = document.getElementById(area).coords.split(",");
document.getElementById(map).style.paddingLeft = coords[2] - coords[0] + "px";
document.getElementById(map).style.paddingTop = coords[3] - coords[1] + "px";
document.getElementById(map).style.marginLeft = coords[0] + "px";
document.getElementById(map).style.marginTop = coords[1] + "px";

#mark {
border: 2px dotted red !important;
#mark:hover {
border: 2px solid blue !important;
cursor: pointer;
img {

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