In order to display the particle-slider logo effect, the JavaScript on the page needs to be refreshed

I have a website frontend integrated from WordPress using an HTML 5 Blank Child Theme. The site features a logo effect utilizing particle slider for screen sizes greater than 960px, and a flat logo image for screen sizes less than 960px. Everything works perfectly; however, when I resize between logos, the page needs to be manually refreshed (by pressing cmd+r) before the particle slider effect reappears. How can I fix this so that the effect automatically shows after resizing?

Below is the code snippet -


<?php /* Template Name: particle-slider */ ?>
<!-- particle-slider template -->

    <div id="particle-slider">
        <div class="slides">
            <div class="slide" data-src="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/havoc_logohight.png"></div>
        <canvas class="draw" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></canvas>
     <script type="text/javascript">
        var ps = new ParticleSlider({ 'width':'1400', 'height': '600' });
  <div id="logo"> <img src="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/havoc_logo.png"> </div>

  <!-- particle-slider template -->


/* RWD for logo */

@media screen and (max-width: 960px) {

    #particle-slider {
        display: none;




// Particle Slider version goes here
 // Code continues as shown in original text

Answer №1


To simplify and enhance your code, replace the existing script with the updated one below:

<script type="text/javascript">
// DOM ready function to ensure proper query
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    var ps, timeout;
    window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
        if (timeout) {
        timeout = setTimeout(handlePS, 250);

    function handlePS() {
        if (document.body.clientWidth >= 960) {
            if ( && typeof ps !== null) {
            } else {
                ps = new ParticleSlider({
                    'width': '1400', 
                    'height': '600'
        else {
            ps = null;

Explanation: Optimizing Resize Event Handling

This updated code snippet improves handling of the resize event by calling the init() method based on the current window width. It also organizes code creation into a separate function for better structure, utilizing a variable ps for tracking instance status.

Furthermore, you can enhance this setup by invoking the function when the page loads and during resize events:

window.addEventListener('resize', handlePS);
  • An enhanced approach waits for DOM readiness and debounce effects via setTimeout.
  • It includes logic to trigger the init() method only after a brief delay post-resize using a timer.

Incorporate jQuery for further streamlined coding:

Instead of:

window.addEventListener('resize', handlePS);


$(window).on('resize', handlePS);

Replace document.body.clientWidth with $(document).width() for simplicity.

Additional Update:

For experimentation, I utilized an image from the provided comment in the revised sample page at this link. The demo features paired-down Particle Slider code integrated with the specified image on another page. Note that there remains a minor flashing issue during resizing events.

Answer №2

Latest Update

The issue that was encountered seems to stem from the fact that when you hide the div used by ParticleSlider for drawing, it results in a Canvas with dimensions of 0x0. This then triggers an exception within the drawParticles method, which is called by the nextFrame function. It's important to note that ParticleSlider is designed so that after the initial call made from the constructor, nextFrame utilizes requestAnimationFrame to schedule itself. Other methods like nextSlide</code or <code>resize only alter data without restarting the animation sequence. Therefore, the exception in the initial call halts the animation, and the solution involves explicitly calling nextFrame.

To address this, you can modify the nextFrame function to monitor success/failure and invoke it from the resize handler if necessary. Here's some sample code:

var ps = new ParticleSlider({ 'width': '1400', 'height': '600' });

// Modify nextFrame to track failure/success
var nextFrameCalled = false;
ps.oldNextFrame = ps.nextFrame;
ps.nextFrame = function () {
    try {
        ps.oldNextFrame.apply(this, arguments);
        nextFrameCalled = true;
    } catch (e) {
        nextFrameCalled = false;

var addEvent = function (object, type, callback) {
    if (object.addEventListener) {
        object.addEventListener(type, callback, false);
    } else if (object.attachEvent) {
        object.attachEvent("on" + type, callback);
    } else {
        object["on" + type] = callback;
var oldWidth = window.innerWidth;
addEvent(window, 'resize', function () {
    var newWidth = window.innerWidth;
    if (newWidth >= 960 && oldWidth < 960) {
        console.log("Restarting particle slider " + newWidth);
        if (!nextFrameCalled)
            ps.nextFrame();  // force restart animation
        else {
            nextFrameCalled = false;
            setTimeout(function () {
                if (!nextFrameCalled)
                    ps.nextFrame();  // force restart animation
            }, 100);
    oldWidth = newWidth;

A live demo showcasing this implementation is available on this plunker. Open the demo in a separate window and adjust the size within 2 seconds to simulate different conditions.

Prior Solution Overview

If you're encountering issues with particles not re-shuffling upon window size change beyond 960px, consider incorporating code similar to this (utilizing jQuery):

var ps = new ParticleSlider({ 'width': '1400', 'height': '600' });

var oldWidth = $(window).width();
$(window).resize(function () {
    var newWidth = $(window).width();
    if (newWidth >= 960 && oldWidth < 960)
        ps.resize(); // Initiate reshuffling of particles via init()
    oldWidth = newWidth;

You can also achieve similar functionality without jQuery as demonstrated in this Stack Overflow response.

Answer №3

If you want to exert greater authority over the ParticleSlider function, consider utilizing the resize feature in conjunction with jquery smart resize.

You can declare a new ParticleSlider with specific width and height values:
var ps = new ParticleSlider({ 'width': '1400', 'height': '600' });

Then, listen for window resizing events using "debouncedresize" from jQuery Smart Resize plugin, and trigger the resize method of ParticleSlider accordingly:
$(window).on("debouncedresize", function( event ) {

Answer №4

The issue at hand is as follows: The slider is being drawn into the canvas using JavaScript, but it appears that the script is only loaded once when the page initially loads. While the authors claim that the slider should be responsive on their site, in reality it is only being resized and not replayed when the window is resized.

My suggestion is to try calling


inside a $(window).resize() event handler. This will reload the current slide!

If this approach does not work, you can attempt to reload the entire slider using either the init() function or the loadingStep() function. (Unfortunately, the documentation is somewhat unclear to me in certain areas.)

For example:


You can find information about the available functions here:

Answer №5

There are two significant issues with your current use case:

  • If the Particles are initialized before the target is visible, the image size becomes invalid (0x0)
  • Even after resizing the resolution smaller while the Animation is running, it continues to run in the background

In order to address both problems, I have included the following script:

var ps = null

function init(){
  var isVisible = window.innerWidth >= 960;
  if (!ps && isVisible) {
    // create and initialize
    ps = new ParticleSlider({
      ptlGap: 1,
      ptlSize: 1,
      width: 1e9,
      height: 100,

  } else if (ps && !isVisible) {
    // stop and remove
    ps.requestAnimationFrame = function() {}; // Stop render loop
    ps = null;

window.addEventListener('load', init, false)
window.onload = init;
window.addEventListener('resize', init, false);
window.onresize = init;
html, body {
  background-color: black;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  color: #fff;
  text-align: center;

.slides, & > .dg {
  display: none;

.low-res {
  display: none;

@media screen and (max-width: 959px) {
  .draw {
    display: none;

  .low-res {
    display: inline;
    width: 50%;
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    <script src=""></script>
  <body id="particle-slider">
    <div class="slides">
      <div id="first-slide" class="slide" data-src="">
    <canvas class="draw"></canvas>
    <img src="" class="low-res"/>

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