I aim to utilize vanilla JavaScript in order to remove the parent element of the button being clicked when the user interacts with it

My latest project involves a meme generator that allows users to input text and images, which are then combined to create a unique 'meme'. Each meme is assigned a unique ID and features buttons for deleting the meme upon hovering. To achieve this functionality, I utilized vanilla JS and layered multiple child divs (image, top text, bottom text) using z-index.

Despite my efforts, I'm facing challenges with enabling the delete button to remove the parent div on click. I aim to have the delete button effectively remove the entire meme - image, text, and button itself. You can view an example picture and code snippets below:


I attempted to implement the deletion feature in vanilla JavaScript by assigning a 'closeTheMeme' function to each delete button:

let deleteBtns = document.getElementsByClassName('.delete');

function closeTheMeme (){

for(let i=0;i<deleteBtns.length;i++){

No errors were reported in the console. Below, you'll find the remaining JavaScript code depicting how elements are generated upon clicking the meme generator.

'use strict';

let count=0;

    //prevent default
    //set image, top, and bottom texts to variables for manipulation
    let bottomText = document.getElementById('bottomText').value;

function createMeme(){
        let meme = document.createElement("DIV");
        meme.setAttribute("id", "meme"+count);

        let img = document.createElement("IMG"); 
        let imageLink = document.getElementById('imageLink').value;

        let topText = document.getElementById('topText').value;
        let top = document.createElement('DIV');
        top.setAttribute("id","topText"+ count);
        top.innerHTML = topText;

        let bottomText = document.getElementById('bottomText').value;
        let bottom = document.createElement('DIV');
        bottom.setAttribute("id","bottomText" + count);
        bottom.innerHTML = bottomText;

        let deleteButton = document.createElement("BUTTON");
        deleteButton.innerHTML = "Delete";



let deleteBtns = document.getElementsByClassName('.delete');

function closeTheMeme (){

for(let i=0;i<deleteBtns.length;i++){

Answer №1

Upon loading the page, you must manually select the buttons to enable functionality. If no buttons exist, there is nothing for events to be attached to, resulting in non-functioning buttons.

To resolve this issue, create the buttons first and then add event handlers to them.

const deleteButton = document.createElement("BUTTON");
deleteButton.addEventListener("click", function () {

Another approach is to use event delegation.

document.body.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
  const btn = e.target.closest(".delete");
  if (btn) btn.closest("div").remove();

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