Can one image impact other images through a wrapping function?

I am facing an issue with positioning 3 images independently from the window size using the position: relative declaration. When I try to define positions for the first 2 images and then insert the third one, it disrupts the position of the first two.

Is there a feature like a "wrap-through" function that can help in such cases?


  #section0 .home{
        opacity: 0;

    #section0 .fecha{
        left: 130%;

        position: relative;


    #section0 .pray{
        left: 50%;
        bottom: 80%;
        position: relative;


$(document).ready(function() {
            var pepe = $.fn.fullpage({

                slidesNavigation: true, 
                slidesNavPosition: 'top',
                slidesColor: ['#000000', '#000000', '#000000', '#000000', '#000000', '#000000'],
                anchors: ['firstPage', 'secondPage', '3rdPage', '4thPage', '5thPage', 'lastPage'],
                menu: '#menu',
                css3: true, 

                //animation on first page
                afterRender: function(){
                        $('#section0').find('.fecha').delay(100).animate({left: '-60%', bottom: '-3%'}, 3000, 'easeOutExpo');
                        $('#section0').find('.pray').delay(100).animate({left: '0%', bottom: '28%'}, 3000, 'easeOutExpo');
                        $('#section0').find('.home').fadeTo( "slow" , 1, function() {});



<div class="pray">
    <img src="CIMA/Home_pray.png" alt="Cool" style="z-index: '0', overflow: 'hidden', left: '4%', bottom: '32%'"  height="40%" width="40%"  />

Answer №1

that it is not affected by the window size.

It seems like you are looking to remove the elements from the normal flow of the page.

To achieve this, you can use either position:absolute or position:fixed. By doing so, the images will be taken out of the normal flow and will behave independently (not pushing each other and potentially overlapping other elements). You can then position them using the top right bottom left properties.

For more information on CSS Positioning, check out CSS Position @ MDN

(Feel free to provide feedback, as I believe this solution addresses the simplest scenario the user may be facing.)

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