Issue encountered while attempting to establish a website on GITHUB PAGES

My project was created using Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS. However, when I try to view it on Github pages, only the readme file is displayed and I receive an error message via email. This project holds significant importance for me so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

One important thing to note is that the file index.html seems to be missing from your repository.

If you have utilized Bootstrap, CSS, and HTML in your project, it's likely that you won't need npm at all. Simply upload all your files (including folders for images and CSS) and proceed to your Repository Settings on Github Pages to set the source. With an existing index.html, accessing

will automatically display it after a successful build.

You may want to take a look at this repository created with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap (and Javascript) for reference.

PS: Avoid pushing node_modules to GitHub. It's best practice to include that folder in your .gitignore file. Users cloning your repo can then install these modules themselves using npm commands.

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