Tips on attaching a class to elements in a loop when a click event occurs

In my HTML, I am displaying information boxes from an array of objects that are selectable. To achieve this, I bind a class on the click event. However, since I am retrieving the elements through a v-for loop, when I select one box, the class gets bound to all of them.

Is there a way to differentiate only the selected box?

I have come across examples using jQuery, but I am interested in exploring other methods.

Here is my template:

<div class="list-services">
  <div class='column-service' 
    v-for='estimation in filteredEstimation' 
    :class="{ focusService }" 
    @click="focusService = !focusService"
    <div class="service-name">
    <div class="service-description">
    <div class="service-price">
      <span class="price-currency">€</span>

Thank you for your time and assistance!

Answer №1

While attempting to create a jsfiddle to address your query, I stumbled upon a jsfiddle in the vue.js forum that might be useful:

This particular jsfiddle presents three distinctive options for highlighting content through clicks.

li v-for="item in items" 
  :class="{ == selected}" 
  @click="selected =">

Even though it's an older solution, I believe it should still function with the current Vue version.

If it doesn't work or if there are any uncertainties, feel free to reach out and I'll do my best to assist!

Answer №2

One technique that I personally employ (assuming I've grasped your question accurately) involves utilizing the this keyword.

For instance:


<ul id="myList">

script.js (Vanilla JavaScript)

var myList = document.getElementById("myList");
    myList.addEventListener("click", function () {

script.js (jQuery)

var myList = $("#myList").on("click", function() {

By using the this keyword in this manner, we can access the innerText of the clicked li element by simply attaching the event listener to the parent element. This is just one way to leverage the power of the this keyword - there are many other possibilities to explore by logging this in your event listener function.

Please let me know if this explanation proves helpful!

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