Can I dynamically apply CSS to an existing class using jQuery?

Having a sticky sidebar on desktop presents a challenge when trying to "unstick" it before it overlaps with the footer. The height of the sidebar is dynamic, so its stop position changes as different elements are opened or closed.

The main question at hand is how to add:

css('top', dynamic-value);

to an EXISTING class in order to temporarily "unstick" the sidebar once it reaches the footer, and then resume normal sticky navigation by removing this specific class containing the dynamic top value.

Attempting to add the CSS using the following code snippet results in the styles being added directly to the DOM instead of applying them to the specified class:


Consequently, upon removing the class, the added CSS remains in the DOM causing disruptions. Is there a way to add CSS to an existing class without affecting the DOM structure? Alternatively, is there a method to remove dynamically added CSS from the DOM?

@include respond-to(desktop) {
        width: 310px;
        float: left;

    &.fixed {
        top: 20px;
        height: auto;
        position: fixed;

    &.not-fixed {
        //top: 5656px;
        position: absolute;


$(document).scroll(function() {

        scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
        sidebar = $(".sidebar");
        sidebarFixed = sidebar.hasClass("fixed");
        sidebarHeight = sidebar.height();
        var footerTop = $('.footer').offset().top; // where footer starts

        // FIXED desktop navigation conditions
        var stickyDesktop = scrollTop > (sidebarOffset - 20);

        // STOP being sticky navigation condition
        // when the sidebar has scrolled far enough from the top of the document (scrollTop)
        // that the bottom of the sidebar (sidebar Height) hits the top of the footer (footerTop)
        // the 120 is to account for spacing between the top of the footer and bottom of sidebar
        var stickyLimit = (scrollTop + sidebarHeight + 120) > footerTop;

        // this is to be the top: diff for the .not-fixed class
        var diff = scrollTop - stickyLimit;

        if(windowWidth >= 1080) {
            // on desktop make sidebar sticky on scroll
            stickyDesktop = scrollTop > (sidebarOffset - 20);

            // if the navigation is sticky
            if(sidebarFixed === true) {
            } else {

            // if condition to stop fixed navigation is met
            if (stickyLimit === true) {

                stickyLimit = (scrollTop + sidebarHeight + 120) > footerTop;

                // stop nav being sticky

            } else {
                // regular sticky again

    }); // end document scroll function

Answer №1

It is not possible to directly add or remove CSS from an external stylesheet.

However, in your situation, you can undo the styling applied to an element by resetting the top property back to 0.


Answer №2

My approach involved overriding the CSS modifications made through jQuery by executing the following code:

 $(".element").css("top"," ");

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