How do I change the class of an element using $this?

Please review the code below:

$(".nwe-cl-icontext").click(function () {
.nwe-cl-c.nwe-active {
background: red;

.nwe-cl-c {
background: green;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="nwe-g-m">
    <div class="nwe-cl-c nwe-active">
        <div class="nwe-cl-icon-m is"></div>
        <div class="nwe-cl-icontext">btn3</div>

    <div class="nwe-cl-c">
        <div class="nwe-cl-icon-m is"></div>
        <div class="nwe-cl-icontext">btn2</div>

    <div class="nwe-cl-c">
        <div class="nwe-cl-icon-m is"></div>
        <div class="nwe-cl-icontext">btn3</div>

Seeking assistance on achieving a specific functionality - when clicking the second button, the "nwe-class" should be added to the second parent element and so forth for subsequent buttons.

Answer №1

To choose the element that has the specific class, ensure it is different from the one you have just clicked on, and then eliminate that class.

$(".nwe-cl-icontext").click(function() {
  const selectedElement = $(this).parent();
.nwe-cl-c.nwe-active {
  background: red;

.nwe-cl-c {
  background: green;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="nwe-g-m">
  <div class="nwe-cl-c nwe-active">
    <div class="nwe-cl-icon-m is"></div>
    <div class="nwe-cl-icontext">btn3</div>

  <div class="nwe-cl-c">
    <div class="nwe-cl-icon-m is"></div>
    <div class="nwe-cl-icontext">btn2</div>

  <div class="nwe-cl-c">
    <div class="nwe-cl-icon-m is"></div>
    <div class="nwe-cl-icontext">btn3</div>

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