Noticed a peculiar outcome when working with hexadecimal calculations in LESS. What could be causing this phenomenon?

I recently dove into the world of LESS and have found it to be quite interesting. However, I encountered a unique situation where a background color was assigned the code #03A9F4 - 100. Based on my limited knowledge of hexadecimal numbers from some IT classes in college (I come from a non-CS background), I would expect the resulting CSS color code to be #03A8F4. To my surprise, the document I was working with had #004590 as the output.

So, what am I missing here?

Less Code

@div-width: 100px;
@color: #03A9F4;

  width: @div-width;
  background-color: @color - 100;

Resulting CSS Code

#left {
  width: 100px;
  background-color: #004590;

Answer №1

I don't have all the intricate details of the mathematics happening in the background, but it can be easily inferred.


LESS converts the numbers to decimals, on a per-channel basis, for subtraction and then reverts back to hexadecimal.

Detailed explanation:

If you modify the 100 to #100:

background-color: #03A9F4 - #100

the result is

background-color: #00a9f4;

The use of #100 here is shorthand for #110000, affecting only the red channel.

When subtracting a number rather than a color, LESS handles it slightly differently. Let's examine it channel by channel this time too.

Initial color: #03A9F4, Result: #004590

Red 03 -> 00

Blue A9 -> 45

Green F4 -> 90

As the red channel doesn't provide much insight, let's focus on the other channels.

Regarding blue, A9 in decimal equals 169. Subtracting 100 leaves us with 69. What is 69 (in decimal) converted to hex? That would be 45.

In terms of green, F4 in decimal translates to 244. Subtracting 100 results in 144, which equates to 90 in hexadecimal.

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