Incorporating Blank Class into HTML Tag with Modernizr

Currently, I am experimenting with Modernizr for the first time and facing some challenges in adding a class to the HTML tag as per the documentation.

To check compatibility for the CSS Object Fit property, I used Modernizr's build feature to create a customized js file named modernizr-custom.js. This file was then added to my Javascript directory and loaded through Gulp in my gulpfile. However, upon refreshing the page and inspecting it using Chrome dev tools, I noticed that the HTML tag now has an empty class: class="" instead of class="object-fit". It appears that Modernizr is functioning to some extent but not correctly.

In my root directory, I have a file named modernizr-config.json which is configured as follows:

  "minify": true,
  "options": [
  "feature-detects": [

I'm unsure if there are any additional Modernizr js files that need to be included for this setup to function properly. Any guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated, as I believe there might be something crucial that I'm missing in setting it up.

Answer №1

RESOLUTION: The problem was identified as stemming from the use of the minified file. Replacing it with a non-minified version resolved all issues and restored normal functionality.

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