The Angular overlay is concealed beneath the pinned header

I am seeking a solution to have a mat-spinner displayed on top of my app while it is in the loading state. Currently, I am using an overlay component with Overlay from @angular/cdk/overlay.
The issue arises when part of the spinner that should be overlaid ends up being hidden under a table header. Despite overlaying everything else on the page, the table header seems to come forward and block the overlay.
One workaround I found was changing the position property of the table header in the .css file from sticky to fixed, which resolves the problem but disrupts the behavior of the table header.
Ideally, I want the table header to remain sticky while ensuring that the overlay covers the entire page without any obstructions.

Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

When the spinner is positioned under the table header, you should provide padding-bottom to the table header equal to its height. This is my interpretation of your post. I hope this advice resolves your issue. If not, feel free to ask again with a more detailed question along with a screenshot for reference.

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