How do you trigger the playback of a specific audio file when a user clicks on it?

I'm currently working on an interactive music app that mimics the functionality of a piano. Users are able to click on different boxes on the screen, triggering a unique musical note to play.

While I initially considered manually collecting all the Ids for both the boxes and audio files, I believe there must be a simpler and more efficient approach.

An initial attempt at looping through the box elements and extracting their Ids was successful, but I encountered difficulties in retrieving the corresponding audio file names. One potential solution I thought of involved matching the box Ids with the name attribute values of the audio files, although I haven't been able to implement this yet.

Below is a snippet of the code structure:

<div id="main">
        <div id="box1" class="box"></div>
        <div id="box2" class="box"></div>
        <div id="box3" class="box"></div>
        <div id="box4" class="box"></div>
        <div id="box5" class="box"></div>
        <div id="box6" class="box"></div>
        <div id="box7" class="box"></div>

<audio id="box1_sound" name= "notes" >
        <source src="audio/d_note.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></source>

Javascript Operations:

var box1 = document.getElementById('box1');
var box1Note = document.getElementById('box1_sound');

box1.addEventListener('mousedown', function() {
    box1Note.currentTime = 0;;

var boxName = document.getElementsByClassName('box');
var notes = document.getElementsByName('notes');

for (var j = 0; j < notes.length; j++) {
    var notesVal = notes[j].name;

for (var i = 0; i < boxName.length; i++) {
    boxName[i].addEventListener('mousedown', function() {
        var boxId =;


Your assistance in solving this challenge would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

If you're looking for a solution, consider this workaround:

Iterate through each box. Within each iteration, extract the ID of the box and combine it to create the audio element's ID.

For instance:

var boxes = document.querySelectorAll('.box');

for ( var i=0 ; i < boxes.length; i++) {   
        sound = document.getElementById('_sound');    
        sound.currentTime = 0;;

Check out the FIDDLE DEMO

Answer №2

How about adding an onclick event handler to each individual div? Take a look at this approach:

<span onclick="playMusic('a.mp3')" class="white">  </span>
<span onclick="playMusic('b.mp3')" class="black">  </span>
<span onclick="playMusic('c.mp3')" class="white">  </span>
<span onclick="playMusic('d.mp3')" class="black">  </span>
<span onclick="playMusic('e.mp3')" class="white">  </span>
<span onclick="playMusic('d.mp3')" class="black">  </span>

You can then implement some JavaScript that will play the specified audio file when each div is clicked. Check out this jsfiddle for a live example of how this works.

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