Modify the Div background color by accessing the HEX value saved in a JSON file

(I made a change to my code and removed the br tag from info2)

Currently, I have successfully implemented a feature using jQuery that reads color names and hex values from a JSON file, populates them in a drop-down select menu (which is working fine). Now, I am looking to enhance this functionality where I want the background color of a div next to the drop-down to dynamically change based on the color selected by the user. How can I achieve this?

Here's a snippet of my page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        var JSON_Response;
        $(document).ready(function () {
            $.getJSON('Colors.json', function (data) {
                JSON_Response = data;  
                var mySelect = document.getElementById("selColor");
                for (i = 0; i < JSON_Response.Colors.length; i++) {
                    var myOption = document.createElement("option");
                    myOption.text = JSON_Response.Colors[i].colorName;
                    myOption.value = i;
                    try {
                        mySelect.add(myOption, mySelect.options[null]);
                    catch (e) {
                        mySelect.add(myOption, null);
            $("#selColor").change(function () {
                var myIndex = $("#selColor").val();
                $("#showColor").attr("src", JSON_Response.Colors[myIndex].hex);
                var info = JSON_Response.Colors[myIndex].colorName + "<br />";
                info += JSON_Response.Colors[myIndex].hex+ "<br />";
                var info2 = JSON_Response.Colors[myIndex].hex;
                $("#divDisplay").html(info).css({'background-color' : '#' + info2});

Answer №1

Avoid adding <br /> to the end of the info2 variable, as it should only store a hexadecimal color code.

var info2 = JSON_Response.Colors[myIndex].hex;

Answer №2

Essentially, you've got it. The mistake lies in the background-color value that you're assigning to the div.

$("#divDisplay").html(info).css({'background-color' : '#' + info2});

The correct version should be:

$("#divDisplay").html(info).css({'background-color' : '#' + JSON_Response.Colors[myIndex].hex});

Here is a basic working fiddle example

<script src=""></script>
    <button>Click me</button><br/>
    <div id="myDiv" style="height:400px;width:400px;">

    var hexChars = "ABCDEF0123456789";

    function getColor() {
        var colorStr = "";

        for(var idx=0; idx < 6; idx++ ) {
                colorStr += hexChars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * hexChars.length));

        return colorStr;

    $('document').ready(function() {
        $('button').click(function() {
            var rand = getColor();

            $('#myDiv').html('#' + rand).css({ 'background-color' : '#' + rand });

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