Tips for concealing the body description on the homepage of a blogger website

I want to conceal this description This is my blog and I am facing an issue where I need to hide the description on the home page. I have tried using color:white which worked initially, but when I moved the description to the top or left, the black background image made the text visible because it was in white color.

I also attempted using display:none; but it caused the layout to break, with the title and image shifting around. Can anyone help me find a solution without using CSS like display:none; or color:white? Perhaps through jQuery or JavaScript?

Answer №1

If you're open to modifying your HTML template, I have a solution for you.

Simply navigate to Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML

Locate the div container with the class of post-body (which holds the post description) and enclose it within a blogger b:if condition. By doing this, the description will be hidden on all pages except for the post page and static page.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType in {&quot;static_page&quot;,&quot;item&quot;}'>

    //<div class='post-body entry-content' ...>


Answer №2

Upon further investigation, I discovered that the descriptions are displayed within a div element. If you prefer not to have these descriptions visible, simply remove the div from your source code.

However, if the div is essential, you can assign it an id or class and apply the following CSS style:

    .desc {
        display: none;

<div class="desc">
   There are currently job openings at Tata Capital in Mumbai. As one of the leading companies globally, we have a large number of customers and attract individuals from all over the world. Numerous job opportunities are available...

Answer №3

To easily divide your content in a Blogger post, utilize the page break tool found in the post editing window. Simply insert the page break before each initial paragraph or word to separate your text.

This simple technique can improve the readability and organization of your blog posts. Give it a try!

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