HTML/JS Implementation: Back to Top Visual Element

- This website appears to be quite simple at first glance. However, I have encountered an issue where every time I scroll down and then click on the "About" menu option, it abruptly takes me back to the top of the page before displaying the section with a slight visual glitch for 1-2 seconds.

I suspect that this problem might be related to an error message I noticed in the console upon loading the site: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefinedglobal.min.js:42 (anonymous function)". Unfortunately, my knowledge of JavaScript is limited...

If anyone could provide some assistance or guidance on resolving this issue, it would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you! -Dan

Answer №1

Upon clicking "About," the website performs the following actions:

  1. It smoothly scrolls to the top of the page
  2. The header changes from a "fixed" position to an "absolute" position
  3. A 3D translate effect is applied to the "About" section
  4. The header is repositioned

These tasks seem to occur simultaneously and involve computationally intense functions that attempt to re-render the entire page while executing a javascript scroll.

Furthermore, around 25 javascript files (mostly jQuery plugins) are loaded at the bottom of the page, potentially slowing down the overall performance. This highlights one of the drawbacks of using visually appealing commercial themes - they rely heavily on pre-made jQuery plugins for aesthetics, sacrificing speed in the process.

Improving the efficiency of these actions and eliminating rendering issues may require significant effort and expertise. One possible solution could involve ensuring that the scrolling action is prioritized, displaying the "About" pane within a callback function. However, due to the obfuscation/minification of most JS code, implementing specific optimizations may prove challenging.

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