Is your display:inline-block feature not functioning properly?

I am currently designing the homepage for this website and I am attempting to arrange the category divs under the header in a grid layout, with 3 divs per row.

I have been trying to achieve this using display:inline-block, but so far, I can only get the divs to display vertically instead of horizontally. I also experimented with float:left, but that led to a different issue altogether.

Is there a solution to effectively organize these divs in a grid format?

Below is the HTML code for each div:

<br /><a href="URL"><div class="home_cat" style="background-image:url('IMAGEURL');">
<p class="home_cat_link">Category Name</p></div></a>

Here is the corresponding CSS:

.home_cat {

.home_cat_link {

font-family: 'Permanent Marker', cursive;

Thank you in advance for any assistance!

Answer №1

Your HTML is filled with multiple <br> tags, causing the elements to break onto new lines unnecessarily. It's best to remove them for a cleaner layout.

Answer №2

display: inline-block; is functioning properly. However, adding padding: 0; and margin: 0; will help resolve the issue.


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