Enhance React scrollbar functionality without relying on third-party dependencies

Currently working on enhancing the appearance of the scrollbar within my ReactJS project.

Specifically, I am aiming for a design similar to this example:


Experimented with CSS properties like -webkit-scrollbar, -webkit-scrollbar-track, and -webkit-scrollbar-thumb, yet no visible modifications appeared.

After scouring the internet, only 3rd party solutions offering customized scrollbars are available.

Seeking insights on achieving this without depending on external libraries. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

Using only CSS to achieve this is possible, but there are limitations in browser support leading to the existence of numerous JavaScript solutions. To adjust the width of -webkit-scrollbar-track, you can manipulate the border-right and left properties:

border-left: 5px solid gray;
border-right: 5px solid gray;

To style the -webkit-scrollbar-thumb similar to the provided image, you can tweak the border radius like so:

border-radius: 10px;

The thickness of the scrollbar can be customized using -webkit-scrollbar:

body::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 15px;

A CodePen example has been modified to mimic your desired look: https://codepen.io/rasso/pen/QWWxPQo

html {
  background: #2a2d46;
  height: 100%;
  overflow: hidden;
body {
  height: 100%;

  overflow: scroll;
  width: 80%;
  max-width: 600px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  padding: 3em;
  font: 100%/1.4 serif;
  border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
p {
  margin: 0 0 1.5em;

body::-webkit-scrollbar {
  width: 15px;
  background: #4d4e5a;
  color: #333;

body::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
  background: #595a62;
  border-left: 5px solid #2a2d46;
  border-right: 5px solid #2a2d46;

body::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
  background-color: #fff;
  border-radius: 10px;
<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem deleniti accusantium quasi ab ad officia cupiditate sed aliquam nobis expedita velit dolorum perspiciatis pariatur nam vero et magnam soluta tempora!</div>
<div>Eveniet deserunt consequatur porro molestiae nulla optio quis totam libero iste nemo odit eum facilis sapiente. Harum similique cupiditate voluptas ea optio sunt molestias eius ab qui obcaecati nesciunt id?</div>
<div>Necessitatibus delectus sint vitae eos quasi optio esse dignissimos enim laborum ipsum harum perspiciatis eaque. Magnam fugiat delectus neque laboriosam in accusamus a veniam inventore asperiores consequatur nihil quae quo.</div>
<div>Eligendi quaerat nesciunt sint nobis qui? Temporibus maiores esse molestiae hic cum culpa sed recusandae dolore sequi modi. Quos illum debitis odio consequatur voluptatum error aliquam rem similique officia recusandae.</div>
<div>Ex suscipit earum reiciendis eaque dolorem inventore accusantium modi voluptatum saepe cum quam tempora autem corrupti illum deleniti iure rerum mollitia quo ducimus soluta ea! Illum aliquid consectetur vitae quod?</div>
<div>Minus rem tempora quo. Deleniti mollitia dignissimos laborum quis quos facilis dolore soluta error provident recusandae veniam minus consequatur blanditiis. Facere tempore praesentium soluta fugiat quia eligendi dolores ullam doloribus!</div>
<div>Aut nulla perferendis officiis accusamus ut aspernatur hic possimus amet blanditiis incidunt repudiandae ullam inventore ipsam recusandae nihil provident facilis totam quibusdam natus eligendi optio quia sapiente rerum quos illo?</div>
<div>Porro soluta nisi impedit voluptatem ex accusantium facilis amet quod blanditiis quia similique totam enim id ratione minus quo modi sequi nam dicta iste aliquid itaque velit accusamus quibusdam consequuntur.</div>
<div>Ab assumenda in ad nesciunt recusandae labore voluptates vero suscipit tenetur ullam sint beatae odio harum quo aperiam quas temporibus pariatur consectetur saepe eveniet minus voluptatem atque iusto similique repudiandae?</div>
<div>In enim odit repellat maxime harum eum expedita fuga vel eaque quaerat optio hic sapiente eveniet neque dolorum eligendi pariatur possimus aliquid minus officiis mollitia quia voluptates sunt nulla est!</div>

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