Difficulty switching back and forth between three varying heights

I have a container with a button labeled "Show more". Upon clicking the button, the height of the container will transition through 3 different states.

 <div class="segment-suggestion-content height-small">

    <div class="segment-suggestion-show-more">
       <button type="button" class="btn">Show More</button>

Initially, the container has the class .height-small with a height of 200px. When the "show more" button is clicked, the .height-small class will be removed and replaced with .height-mid, which has a height of 400px. Subsequently, clicking on 'show more' once again will remove the .height-mid class and add .height-full. Clicking 'show more' for the final time will change the container back to .height-small.

Although I am not proficient in jQuery, I attempted the code below, but it isn't functioning correctly. I'm uncertain as to what the issue might be.

   $('.segment-suggestion-show-more .btn').click(function(){





Any assistance would be highly appreciated.


Answer №1

This revised code now functions correctly:

$('.segment-suggetion-show-more .btn').click(function () {

    if ($(".segment-suggetion-content").hasClass('height-small')) {

    else if ($(".segment-suggetion-content").hasClass('height-mid')) {

    else if ($(".segment-suggetion-content").hasClass('height-full')) {



The 2 issues resolved were:

  • You had written height-md instead of height-mid in your script
  • The height of .height-full was set to auto, resulting in a height of 0 when there is no content

Answer №2

Here is the solution: DEMO

    else if($(".segment-suggetion-content").hasClass('height-mid'))
    else if($(".segment-suggetion-content").hasClass('height-full'))


The first issue was with your CSS selectors, specifically

, which needed to be changed to just .height-full for correct application.

Another problem was inconsistency in naming between your CSS classes (.mid) and jQuery calls (.md).

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