Revamping Footer Text

Hey there, I'm feeling a bit inexperienced with this question, so after struggling on my own for a while I decided to turn to stackoverflow for help.

So, I have a website located at , and at the very bottom of the page there's some copyright information in the footer. I've been trying to figure out how to change that text to display my business name instead, but I can't seem to locate where it is in the code. If anyone could point me in the right direction (file name), I would really appreciate it.

Thank you for taking the time to help!



Answer №1

Typically, you'll find that information located within the file named footer.php. This specific file is typically situated in the template directory of the theme currently being utilized. Another way to access this file is through Wordpress' admin pages by using the "editor" feature.

Answer №2

When the theme gets an update, it has the potential to eliminate any modifications you have done in the footer.php file located under "appearance/editor/footer.php". I suggest creating a child theme in order to preserve your edits. You could also consider incorporating a widget such as this one or a similar tool.

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