How to make sure a bootstrap row fills the rest of the page without exceeding the height of the screen

In my Angular application, I am using bootstrap to create the following structure (simplified version).

<div class="container">
    <div class="header>
        <div class="mat-card> 
             <!-- Header content -->
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-8">
            <div class="mat-card> 
                <!-- Table content here -->
        <div class="col-4>
            <div class="mat-card> 
                <!-- Other content --> 

The col-8 column in this structure will contain a mat-card with a table that may have a variable number of rows. If the table has many rows, it could exceed the page size and require scrolling to view all data.

I want to limit the col-8 column to use only the necessary space for the table, while still allowing it to expand based on the table's height. Additionally, I aim to set a maximum height for the col-8 column so it doesn't surpass the remaining vertical space on the page, making sure it stays within the browser window's height minus the header's height.

To recap:

  1. col-8 contains a dynamic-height table
  2. col-8 should adjust its height according to the table
  3. col-8 should not exceed the browser window's height

While setting the column's height to vh and adding overflow-y: scroll achieves part of the desired effect, it results in a fixed-height column and lacks responsiveness. It's a step in the right direction but not the complete solution.

Answer №1

Do you think using the CSS property max-height instead of height will make it more responsive?

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