What is the lowest opacity value allowed in CSS?

When adjusting the opacity value of a button in CSS, I have noticed that even when the opacity is reduced to 0.005, the button remains clickable to some extent. However, when reducing the value to

, the button becomes completely hidden and unclickable.

I suspect that this extremely small float is being rounded to 0, causing the issue. I am concerned about cross-browser compatibility, as what works in one browser may not work in all browsers. Therefore, I need to determine the minimum value that will make the button clickable across ALL browsers.

Does anyone happen to know the universally tolerable minimum opacity value for all browsers?

Answer №1

As mentioned by @zzzzbov, the minimum value is 0.

Please note: When using 0, it indicates "no opacity", so it actually starts from 0.01

The smallest value possible is

opacity: 0.01;

The maximum value is:

opacity: 0.99;

Answer №2

The level of opacity you choose depends on your preference. If you want to create a transparent object, you can set the opacity as follows:

object {
 opacity: 0.6;

To add a "hover" effect to the object:

object:hover {
  opacity: 1.0;

In my opinion, an opacity of 0.6 should be sufficient.

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