JQuery: Techniques for accessing the assigned font of an element

Can the assigned font of an element be retrieved using jQuery?

For example, if there is this CSS:

font-family: blahblah,Arial;

In the above case, the Arial font will be assigned to #element. Is it possible to extract that information using JS/jQuery?

Is something like this feasible:


which would return only blahblah,Arial;

Answer №1

(function($) {
    $.fn.findFont = function() {
        var fontsUsed = $(this).css('font-family').split(",");
        if ( fontsUsed.length == 1 )
            return fontsUsed[0];

        var selectedElement = $(this);
        var detectedTypeface = null;
        fontsUsed.forEach( function( font ) {
            var duplicate = selectedElement.clone().css({'visibility': 'hidden', 'font-family': font}).appendTo('body');
            if ( selectedElement.width() == duplicate.width() )
                detectedTypeface = font;

       return detectedTypeface;

update: removed the duplicated item from the document.

Just created this now, again, it depends on element width - so results may vary.

$('#element').findFont(); //displays Times New Roman

Answer №2

Utilize the Detector library for this task:

Because the browser selects the first available font from the list, it's important to review the list of fonts and confirm if you have that specific font installed on your system.

Below is the JS/JQuery code snippet:

$(function() {
    var detectFont = function(fonts) {
        var detective = new Detector(), i;
        for (i = 0; i < fonts.length; ++i) {
           if (detective.detect(fonts[i]) !== true) {
           return fonts[i];
    var fonts = $('#abcde').css('font-family');
    fonts = fonts.split(',');

Here is a live demo I've set up: http://jsfiddle.net/netme/pr7qb/1/

Hopefully, this method proves helpful for you.

Answer №3

Updated version of kmfk's solution that now works for all types of elements. Due to limitations with block elements having fixed or dynamic width, this implementation focuses on inline elements:

 * Function to determine the font of an element by comparing font widths from the font-family css attribute
 * @link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15664759/jquery-how-to-get-assigned-font-to-element
(function($) {
    $.fn.detectFont = function() {
        var fontfamily = $(this).css('font-family');
        var fonts = fontfamily.split(',');
        if (fonts.length == 1)
            return fonts[0];

        var element = $(this);
        var detectedFont = null;
        fonts.forEach(function(font) {
            var clone = $('<span>wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwlllllllliiiiii</span>').css({'font-family': fontfamily, 'font-size':'70px', 'display':'inline', 'visibility':'hidden'}).appendTo('body');
            var dummy = $('<span>wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwlllllllliiiiii</span>').css({'font-family': font, 'font-size':'70px', 'display':'inline', 'visibility':'hidden'}).appendTo('body');
            if (clone.width() == dummy.width())
                detectedFont = font;

       return detectedFont;

Answer №4

Change the font of an element with this jQuery code:

Give it a go.

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