What is the best way to position the <h:panelGrid> itself at a location other than the center?

Whenever I utilize this code snippet

<h:panelGrid id="myGrid" columns="1"
rendered="#{myBean.showResults}" width="50%"
border="1" style="text-align: center;">  

The panelGrid items will be centered
I desire to center the h:panelGrid itself in the middle of my XHTML page.
Similar to this HTML snippet

<table id="myGrid" border="1" align="center">

Answer №1

To ensure that it is horizontally centered within its parent block element, apply a left and right margin of auto to an element with a known width.

<h:panelGrid ... style="margin: 0 auto;">

Explore more:

  • How to center a div using CSS

Answer №2

To center your child grid on the page, enclose it within a panelgrid that matches the size of your webpage and apply the text-align center style to the parent grid. This will ensure that the child grid is centered. Remember to remove any existing text-align: center styles from the child panelgrid.

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