Interactivity with SVG clip-path featuring multiple paths through hover events

I have a unique SVG demo image with multiple circles that are clipping an animated GIF.

Can we detect hover events for each individual circle as the user mouses over them? For example, the top-left or middle-right circle?

Is it also possible to change the color overlay on those circles when hovered over?

UPDATE: I would like the hover effect to add a color overlay to the circle being hovered and make it clickable to redirect users to another page.

UPDATE 2: In addition to changing the overlay color on hover, I want text centered inside the circle.

img {
    clip-path: url(#myClip);
    width: 100%;
<img src="" alt="">

<svg width="0" height="0">
        <clipPath id="myClip" clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox" transform="scale(0.00991, 0.01)">
            <path d="M 63.369194,12.267001 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 50.762131,24.534002 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 38.155067,12.267001 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 50.762131,0 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 63.369194,12.267001 Z" />
            <path d="M 100.85033,12.267001 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 88.243263,24.534002 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 75.6362,12.267001 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 88.243263,0 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 100.85033,12.267001 Z" />
            <path d="M 25.894252,12.267001 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 13.287189,24.534002 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 0.68012524,12.267001 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 13.287189,0 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 25.894252,12.267001 Z" />
            <path d="M 63.369194,49.877972 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 50.762131,62.144973 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 38.155067,49.877972 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 50.762131,37.61097 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 63.369194,49.877972 Z" />
            <path d="M 25.214127,49.877972 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 12.607063,62.144973 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 0,49.877972 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 12.607063,37.61097 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 25.214127,49.877972 Z" />
            <path d="M 25.214127,87.216888 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 12.607063,99.48389 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 0,87.216888 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 12.607063,74.949887 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 25.214127,87.216888 Z" />

Answer №1

An effective solution involves transferring the GIF into the SVG to ensure proper alignment of overlay circles with clip path openings.

svg {
  width: 100%;

.overlay path {
  fill: red;
  fill-opacity: 0;

.overlay path:hover {
  fill-opacity: 0.5;
<svg viewBox="0 0 500 500">
        <clipPath id="myClip" clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox" transform="scale(0.00991, 0.01)">
            <path d="M 63.369194,12.267001 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 50.762131,24.534002 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 38.155067,12.267001 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 50.762131,0 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 63.369194,12.267001 Z" />
            <path d="M 100.85033,12.267001 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 88.243263,24.534002 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 75.6362,12.267001 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 88.243263,0 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 100.85033,12.267001 Z" />
            <path d="M 25.894252,12.267001 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 13.287189,24.534002 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 0.68012524,12.267001 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 13.287189,0 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 25.894252,12.267001 Z" />
            <path d="M 63.369194,49.877972 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 50.762131,62.144973 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 38.155067,49.877972 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 50.762131,37.61097 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 63.369194,49.877972 Z" />
            <path d="M 25.214127,49.877972 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 12.607063,62.144973 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 0,49.877972 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 12.607063,37.61097 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 25.214127,49.877972 Z" />
            <path d="M 25.214127,87.216888 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 12.607063,99.48389 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 0,87.216888 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 12.607063,74.949887 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 25.214127,87.216888 Z" />
  <image xlink:href="" width="500" height="500" clip-path="url(#myClip)"/>

  <g class="overlay" transform="scale(4.955, 5)"><!-- 500 * the scale transform values in the clipPath -->
    <a xlink:href="">
      <path d="M 63.369194,12.267001 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 50.762131,24.534002 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 38.155067,12.267001 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 50.762131,0 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 63.369194,12.267001 Z" />
    <a xlink:href="">
      <path d="M 100.85033,12.267001 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 88.243263,24.534002 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 75.6362,12.267001 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 88.243263,0 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 100.85033,12.267001 Z" />
    <a xlink:href="">
      <path d="M 25.894252,12.267001 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 13.287189,24.534002 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 0.68012524,12.267001 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 13.287189,0 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 25.894252,12.267001 Z" />
    <a xlink:href="">
      <path d="M 63.369194,49.877972 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 50.762131,62.144973 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 38.155067,49.877972 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 50.762131,37.61097 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 63.369194,49.877972 Z" />
    <a xlink:href="">
      <path d="M 25.214127,49.877972 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 12.607063,62.144973 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 0,49.877972 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 12.607063,37.61097 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 25.214127,49.877972 Z" />
    <a xlink:href="">
      <path d="M 25.214127,87.216888 A 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 12.607063,99.48389 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 0,87.216888 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 12.607063,74.949887 12.607063,12.267001 0 0 1 25.214127,87.216888 Z" />

Answer №2

I have redesigned this layout using different elements that can be manipulated individually.

Initially, I created 9 holes but you have the flexibility to reduce them as per your requirements by simply eliminating the background from the necessary element.

img {
    width: 100%;
.container {
.container > div {
    radial-gradient(farthest-side,transparent 90%,#fff 92%),
    linear-gradient(rgba(255,0,0,0.4),rgba(255,0,0,0.4)) center/0 0 no-repeat,
    linear-gradient(rgba(0,255,0,0.4),rgba(0,255,0,0.4)) center/0 0 no-repeat;
.container > div:nth-child(2n):hover {
  background-size: auto auto,0 0,auto auto;
.container > div:nth-child(2n+1):hover {
  background-size: auto auto,auto auto,0 0;
.container > div:nth-child(1) {
.container > div:nth-child(2) {
.container > div:nth-child(3) {
.container > div:nth-child(4) {
.container > div:nth-child(5) {
.container > div:nth-child(6) {
.container > div:nth-child(7) {
.container > div:nth-child(8) {
.container > div:nth-child(9) {
<div class="container">


<img src="" alt="">


Answer №3

If you want to make it clickable, you'll need to enclose each path inside an

<a href=""><path id="wave1">... </a>
tag. Then, assign an id to each path and in the CSS, use
a svg:hover #wave1 {code to change the element on hover}

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