Insert HTML elements into nested CSS classes

My goal is to utilize jQuery for looping through classes and adding text to an HTML element. I am currently working with the following example HTML:

<div class="question">
    <div class="title">
        <strong>Here's the question title.</strong>
    <div class="choice">Here's choice1.</div>
    <div class="choice">Here's choice2.</div>
<div class="question">
    <div class="title">
        <strong>Here's the question title.</strong>
    <div class="choice">Here's choice1.</div>
    <div class="choice">Here's choice2.</div>

I am trying to loop through each question on the page, check if the title matches a specific string, and then append some text accordingly. Here is my current code snippet:

$('.question').each(function() {

    var title = $(this).find('.title').text();

    $('.choice').each(function() {

        var span = document.createElement("span");

        if (title == "someString")
            span.className = "someClass";
            span.className = "someOtherClass";

        var text = document.createTextNode("text");

    }); = "orange"; // to test the outer loop

The text should change color based on the title, hence the different CSS classes. However, nothing seems to be happening - the text is not being appended to each choice. The background color does change to orange, and there are no errors in Chrome developer tools. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

To retrieve the title, you can follow this method:

var title = $(this).find('.title strong').text();

You seem to be mixing up jQuery with vanilla JavaScript here. Since $(this) is a jQuery object, you cannot utilize appendChild(). Here's how you can correct that:


Alternatively, you have the option to directly use jQuery like so:


Answer №2

After working with Arun P Johny's fiddle, I have made some updates;


Here are the key modifications;

var title = $.trim($(this).find('.title').text());

    $(this).find('.choice').each(function () {...

I switched $('.choice') to $(this).find('.choice') so that only the elements within that question are affected, not all choice elements on the page.

also changed find('.title').innerHTML; to find('.title').text()); to specifically target the text inside that div, excluding the html content.

Answer №3

Is this what you're looking for?:


Implementing jQuery code with comments removed:

// Executes when the document is ready...
$(function () {

    // Target each title element...
    $('.title').each(function () {

            // References each title element as defined above
        var title = $(this),
            // Retrieves all siblings of title element(s)
            choices = title.siblings(),
            // Ternary operator. Essentially an if-else statement
            myClass = title.text().trim() === "Here's the question title." ? "someClass" : "someOtherClass";

        // Create a span element...
        $('<span />', {
            class: myClass,         // Assign it a class
            text: " Appended text"  // Add some text to it
        }).appendTo(choices);       // Append the span to every .choice element



HTML structure:

<div class="question">
    <div class="title"><strong>Here's the question title.</strong></div>
    <div class="choice">Here's choice1.</div>
    <div class="choice">Here's choice2.</div>

<div class="question">
    <div class="title"><strong>Here's the question title.</strong></div>
    <div class="choice">Here's choice1.</div>
    <div class="choice">Here's choice2.</div>

<div class="question">
    <div class="title"><strong>Here's title.</strong></div>
    <div class="choice">Here's choice1.</div>
    <div class="choice">Here's choice2.</div>

CSS styling:

.someClass {
    color: red;
.someOtherClass {
    color: green;

.question { margin: 10px 0px; }

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