Troubles with NextJS and TailwindCSS Styling

I encountered a strange issue when I used the component separately. Here's how the code looked like:

        <title>Staycation | Home</title>
        <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width" />
        <meta name="description" content="We provide what you need to enjoy your holiday with family. House, Villa, Resort booking administration." />
        <meta name="og:title" content="Staycation | Home" />
        <meta name="og:description" content="We provide what you need to enjoy your holiday with family. House, Villa, Resort booking administration." />
      <div className="min-h-screen">
        <NavbarComponent />
        <HeroSection />
        <MostPickedSection />
        <CategoriesSection />
        <TestimonialSection />
        <FooterComponent />

However, when I directly included the component without separating it, the results were good:

        <title>Staycation | Home</title>
        <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, width=device-width" />
        <meta name="description" content="We provide what you need to enjoy your holiday with family. House, Villa, Resort booking administration." />
        <meta name="og:title" content="Staycation | Home" />
        <meta name="og:description" content="We provide what you need to enjoy your holiday with family. House, Villa, Resort booking administration." />
      <div className="min-h-screen">
        <NavbarComponent />
        <div className="flex flex-col-reverse md:flex-row container-item mt-4 md:mt-16">
          <div className="flex flex-col justify-between flex-1">
            <div className="flex md:block flex-col items-center">
              <h1 className="mt-5 md:mt-0 font-bold text-center md:text-left text-2xl md:text-5xl text-primaryColor" style={{ lineHeight: '170%' }}>
                FORGOT BUSY WORK,
                <br />
                START NEXT VACATION
              <p className="w-4/5 md:w-2/5 mx-auto md:mx-0 mt-2 font-light text-center md:text-left text-xs md:text-base text-greyColor" style={{ lineHeight: '170%' }}>
                We provide what you need to enjoy your holiday with family. Time to make another memorable moments.
              <button type="button" className="w-4/5 md:w-1/3 py-4 md:py-4 mt-3 md:mt-8 md:font-medium text-xs md:text-base rounded-md shadow-2xl transition-all duration-75 hover:opacity-80 text-whiteColor bg-secondaryColor">
                Show Me Now
            <div className="hidden md:flex justify-between items-center w-2/3">
              <HeroItem icon="/icons/Travellers.svg" title="10.203" description="Travellers" />
              <HeroItem icon="/icons/Treasures.svg" title="781" description="Treasures" />
              <HeroItem icon="/icons/Cities.svg" title="1.492" description="Cities" />
          <div className="flex justify-end flex-1">
            <img src="../images/Hero.png" alt="Hero" className="w-full md:w-4/5 mt-2 md:mt-0" />
        <MostPickedSection />
        <CategoriesSection />
        <TestimonialSection />
        <FooterComponent />

After changing the code back from the non-separated to separated components again (which resulted in a good outcome), I realized the significant difference.
I hope this clarifies the confusion I faced while working on this project.

Answer №1

I encountered a similar issue, but managed to resolve it (though I was working with React).

  1. Try changing the component extension from .jsx to .js


  2. Alternatively, consider adding .jsx to your content in tailwind.config.js

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: ["./src/**/*.{html,js,jsx}"],
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],

Answer №2

There could be a few reasons why the issue is arising:

  • You might need to reset the project for Tailwind to compile properly.
  • Ensure that your tailwind directives are included in the styles/globals.css file.
  • Check the tailwind.config.js file to confirm if the HeroSection component is listed within the specified paths in the contents array.

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