Having issues with the presentation of full_numbers pagination in IE while using jQuery dataTables

I am currently utilizing the DataTables jQuery plugin (found at ) with the initialization code below:

$('#reconcile_table').dataTable( {
'bSort'          : true,
'bFilter'        : true,
'bSortClasses'   : false,
'iDisplayLength' : 200,
'bPaginate'      : true,
'sPaginationType': 'full_numbers',
'bProcessing'    : true,
'sDom'           : '<"top"pf>rt<"bottom"i><"clear"l>'

The pagination style I'm using is 'full_numbers', and with my custom CSS, it displays correctly in Firefox. However, in Internet Explorer, the paging navigation buttons appear significantly smaller, almost as if they have been cropped or clipped.

Unfortunately, due to being a new user, I cannot upload an image to better illustrate the issue. I would greatly appreciate any assistance in understanding why this discrepancy is occurring in IE, as I have been unable to determine the cause myself! :)

Thank you, Doug

Answer №1

It's always better to address issues late rather than not at all; I believe there might be a problem with the "padding" properties in your CSS code. Internet Explorer interprets padding differently compared to Firefox, especially when it considers an element to be "empty".

I suggest including width and height attributes for the pagination links in your CSS. Hopefully, this suggestion resolves your issue.

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