Is there a way to adjust the margin for a child DIV element using CSS?

Currently, I am working on my website located at On the homepage, there are four div elements positioned in the bottom left corner of the page.

I am attempting to align two specific divs (id=text-9 and id=text-10) with the other two divs located on the left side (id=delivered and id=savehours).

However, when I apply margins to these IDs in my CSS file, they seem to be overridden by other divs higher up in the hierarchy.

My main question is how can I successfully add margin to these specific IDs without affecting other elements throughout the entire site? Making changes to the CSS of parent divs may have unintended consequences elsewhere.

I appreciate any advice or insights on resolving this issue. Also, I apologize if my use of terminology is not entirely accurate; I am unsure whether this problem falls under parent/child div relationships.

Answer №1

Based on my observation, the inability to apply a margin in that specific area is due to the margin: 0 !important declaration on line 1131 of your style.css file. To override this, you can specify changes here using the !important rule too.

Answer №2

Upon reviewing the existing code, I noticed that both id=text-9 and id=text-10 were placed within <li> tags under <div id="homemid">, but without an enclosing <ul> element. By properly wrapping both <li> elements with a <ul> tag, I was able to resolve the alignment issue in Chrome and Firefox, eliminating the need to adjust any margin styles.

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