What is the best method for arranging various react components in sync?

I am striving to achieve a specific style.

My current code looks like this:

<Box display="flex" flexDirection="row" alignItems="center" width={1}>
<Box flexGrow="1">
    <Typography variant="h6">
    <Typography variant="caption" component="div">Purchased on: <b>{moment(subscription.StartDate).format("DD-MM-YYYY")}</b></Typography>
    <Typography variant="caption" component="div">Expiring on: <b>{moment(subscription.EndDate).format("DD-MM-YYYY")}</b></Typography>

Additionally, I would like a different style for the UPDATE CREDITS button. Please provide the correct button styling for that as well.

Answer №1

While this may not be precisely what you were aiming for, it serves as a solid starting point. Your layout features the correct division of boxes, appropriate sizing of the green box, and an iconButton:

    <Box display="flex" alignItems="flex-end" margin="5px 0">
      <Typography variant="h4" style={{ lineHeight: "0.8" }}>
        Basic Plan
        padding="2px 4px"
    <Typography variant="caption" component="div" color="textSecondary">
      Purchased on: <b>01-01-2020</b>
    <Typography variant="caption" component="div" color="textSecondary">
      Expiring on: <b>02-02-2020</b>
      endIcon={<ArrowDropDownIcon />}
    <Button variant="contained" color="primary">

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