Ways to Implement Horizontal Scrolling in Dojo FilteringSelect Component

The select field on my form contains option values that are over 250 characters long, making it difficult for users to read them within the select box.

Is there a solution to make the select field scroll horizontally or wrap the lengthy text?

Answer №1

If you want to set the width of a box, you can use the style attribute. However, one issue is that the complete word may not be visible and it gets cut off.

<select size="1" name="blah" style="width:250px">

I suggest limiting the number of characters in the select field to avoid this problem. 250 characters is quite lengthy. You might also want to explore using a different input control.

Answer №2

It has been brought to attention by other individuals that a reconsideration of the user interface may be in order for the benefit of your audience.

If altering the UI is not within your jurisdiction, exploring the CSS white-space attribute could provide some solutions.

Answer №3

I completely agree with the suggestion to reconsider the user interface design. However, if you find yourself dealing with lengthy options, you may want to consider using the Chosen JavaScript plugin. This plugin essentially takes control of a specific select element and transforms it into an attractive set of divs that function like a select element. Additionally, you have the flexibility to customize the appearance of these divs to suit your needs.

Answer №4

Here's My Filter Select along with a span Node that will serve as the dummy pane for the drop down.

<span dojoAttachPoint="dumyPane" style="z-index: 1; position: absolute; float: none; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 10px;">
<input type="text" dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect" dojoAttachPoint="myDrop" size="50" style="width:400px;"> 

Check out the code snippet below to see how my dropdown node is appended to the dummy pane.

dojo.connect(myDrop, "openDropDown", this, function(val){
  dojo.connect(myDrop.dropDown, "onClick", this, function(){

 if(typeof myDrop.dropDown != "undefined" && myDrop.dropDown != null){         

     if(typeof myDrop.dropDown != "undefined" && myDrop.dropDown != null){ 
        var ddNode = myDrop.dropDown.domNode;                           
    dojo.style(ddNode,{overflowX: "scroll", overflowY: "scroll", width: "400px", height: "100px"});



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