Optimal approach for reutilizing Javascript functions

After creating a simple quiz question using jQuery, involving show/hide, addClass, and tracking attempts, I am now considering how to replicate the same code for multiple questions. Would it be best practice to modify all variables in both HTML and jQuery, or is there a more efficient way to handle additional questions?

This is how the first question was structured:

<form class="ra">
<div class="cor">
    <input type="radio" name="question1" class="c1" />A. Choice A<span class="hiddencorr">Correct answer</span>

<div class="inc">
    <input type="radio" name="question1" class="i1" />B. Choice B<span class="incorr">Your choice</span>
<div class="inc">
    <input type="radio" name="question1" class="i2" />C. Choice C<span class="incorr">Your choice</span>
<div class="inc">
    <input type="radio" name="question1" class="i3" />D. Choice D<span class="incorr">Your choice</span>
<div class="inc">
    <input type="radio" name="question1" class="i4" />E. Choice E<span class="incorr">Your choice</span>
<p class="rationale1"><b>Rationale:</b> 
<br />
<br /><span class="rattext">Explanation of what was done wrong.</span>

<button id="radiochk1" class="checkhide">Check your answer</button>
<button id="resetq1" class="reset">Reset</button>

For JS/CSS and functionality, check out the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/YSSWL/97/

Answer №1

It is important that class values pertaining to the initial style and layout remain consistent across similar elements, while values indicating different states can vary. Consider utilizing jQuery to increment your name and ID attributes in a similar manner to how you are currently handling class attributes.

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