Is there a way for me to determine fresh analogous color gradients by utilizing a color ramp that has been specified with a trio of RGB values?

If a specific color set consisting of 3 colors is provided, how can a new set of two colors be generated while maintaining the same ratios?

For instance, a visually appealing blue gradient is as follows:

rgb(172, 228, 248) - Initial Color

rgb(108, 205, 243) - Final Color

rgb(121, 181, 203) - Border Color

The task at hand is to create a series of 10 similar gradients beginning from various colors while ensuring the light-to-dark ratios remain consistent.

For example, starting with the color rgb(254, 218, 113) (yellow), how can the end and border colors be calculated while maintaining the same ratios as described above?

Answer №1

Let's give this a shot: say you have three starting colors:

rgb(r1, g1, b1) --> Initial
rgb(r2, g2, b2) --> End
rgb(r3, g3, b3) --> Boundary

Now, if you want to find the analogous shades for a color rgb(x1, y1, z1), you can calculate the other two components like this:

x2 = (r2 / r1) * x1, y2 = (g2 / g1) * y1, z2 = (b2 / b1) * z1
x3 = (r3 / r2) * x2, y3 = (g3 / g2) * y2, z3 = (b3 / b2) * z2

So, your resulting colors will be rgb(x2, y2, z2) and rgb(x3, y3, z3).

Let's see what happens when we apply this method to the color rgb(150, 100, 50):

The two resulting colors are rgb(75, 80, 40) and rgb(125, 120, 30) (keep in mind that they are rounded down to whole numbers).

I hope this explanation was helpful!

Answer №2

If you're looking for a non-algorithmic approach (aka manual), here are a couple of resources that might interest you:


The advantage of your color choices is that they are all aligned on the same spectrum, making them quite similar to the automated values produced by the monochromatic or complementary functions:

While theoretically easy to calculate due to their alignment, I'm not sure of the exact method used here, so here's a manual way to do it (kuler also supports RGB as well as HEX and other formats).

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