Bring back object categories when pressing the previous button on Firefox

  1. When working with a form, I start off with an input element that has the "unfilled" class. As the user fills out the form, I use dynamic code to remove this class.

  2. After the form is submitted, there is a redirect to another page.

  3. If I click the "back" button and return to the original form, the element no longer has the "unfilled" class.

This issue does not occur in IE8. I attempted to resolve it by adding a jQuery call, but it doesn't run when returning to the page using the back button:


Thank you!

Update: I mistakenly posted the wrong line of code above. It should actually be:

$(document).ready(function() {

Answer №1

Firefox has a feature known as bfcache (learn more here) that stores the entire page state in memory and restores it when you navigate back. The onload scripts are not rerun, and elements remain in their previous states. To prevent this behavior, you can include a dummy onunload handler on your page.

Answer №2

One great feature of Firefox is its ability to retain state when navigating back, especially useful for pages with a lot of dynamic content like DHTML (if you open a dialog box, it will still be there when you go back). To ensure your code works smoothly with this functionality, you may need to make some adjustments; one option could be to include an onready handler that adds an "unfilled" class to all input elements, as shown below.

$(function() {

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