Struggle with bringing the foreground image to the forefront not successful

Looking to create a web page with a full-page image overlap? I've been struggling with my current code as the image is not displaying properly.

If anyone has any tips or advice, it would be greatly appreciated!


    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/media/themes/txt/css/record_keeper/training_report.css" />

  <body style="position:relative;">
    <div class="content">
       <p>Content here</p>
    <img src="/media/images/record_keeper/lines.jpg" style="z-index:10; position:relative;">

Answer №1

To ensure that the image appears at the top, you must implement position: absolute and define specific values for properties like top, left, etc.

<img src="/media/images/record_keeper/lines.jpg" style="z-index:10; position:absolute; top:0; left:0;">

Answer №2

Here's another approach that utilizes only CSS:

With this method, a foreground div containing a background image is created.


<div class="container">
    <p>Insert content here</p>

<div class="myImage"></div>


    background: #eee url( center center no-repeat;


Answer №3

One way to enhance your content is by enclosing it in a div tag within the body:

    <div id=my-wrapper>
            *your content here*

Next, update your CSS with the following code:

    #my-wrapper {

Does this approach align with what you had in mind?

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