Mobile viewing causing problems with website buttons functionality

While my website functions perfectly on desktop, I am facing an issue where the buttons are not working when accessed through mobile devices.

Interestingly, these buttons were operating fine in a previous version of the site. Although I have made minimal changes to the HTML/CSS, most of my recent updates were focused on the JavaScript functionalities.

If you'd like to take a look at the problem yourself, please visit the website in question:

I am aware that there are some bugs present and the code may not be perfect. Any suggestions as to why the buttons are malfunctioning on mobile platforms would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help!

Answer №1

You'll need to make some adjustments to your power function. After reviewing the console, it seems that using ** is causing an error. I've made a change by replacing it with the built-in Math.pow function. Best of luck as you continue!

function power(sum, b) {

  b = sum.split('^');
  tempAnswer = Math.pow(b[0], b[1]);
  return Math.pow(b[0], b[1]);

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