Parsing all HTML elements using Nokogiri

I've been searching everywhere and all I could find was how to use CSS selection with Nokogiri. What I really need is to completely remove all HTML tags.

For instance, this:

   <head><title>My webpage</title></head>
   <h1>Hello Webpage!</h1>
   <div id="references">
      <p><a href="">Click here</a> to go to the search engine Google</p>
      <p>Or you can <a href="">click here to go</a> to Microsoft Bing.</p>
      <p>Don't want to learn Ruby? Then give <a href="">Zed Shaw's Learn Python the Hard Way</a> a try</p>

   <div id="funstuff">
      <p>Here are some entertaining links:</p>
         <li><a href="">YouTube</a></li>
         <li><a data-category="news" href="">Reddit</a></li>
         <li><a href="">Kathack</a></li>
         <li><a data-category="news" href="">New York Times</a></li>

   <p>Thank you for reading my webpage!</p>

Extra content

Will output as:

Hello Webpage!

Click here to go to the search engine Google

Or you can click here to go to Microsoft Bing.

Don't want to learn Ruby? Then give Zed Shaw's Learn Python the Hard Way a try

Here are some entertaining links:

New York Times
Thank you for reading my webpage!
Extra content

Is there a way to achieve this using Nokogiri? Also, are there any methods to scrape other code like Javascript?

Answer №1

require 'nokogiri'

webContent = %q{
   <head><title>My website</title></head>
   <h1>Greetings from the Web!</h1>
   <div id="links">
     <p><a href="">Visit Facebook</a> for social networking</p>
     <p>Alternatively, you can <a href="">check out Twitter</a> for updates and news.</p>
     <p>Interested in learning a new language? Try <a href="">Duolingo</a> for language lessons.</p>

   <div id="entertainment">
    <p>Discover some fun links:</p>
     <li><a href="">Netflix</a></li>
     <li><a data-category="music" href="">Spotify</a></li>
     <li><a href="">Twitch</a></li>
     <li><a data-category="games" href="">Steam Community</a></li>

   <p>Thanks for exploring my site!</p>


parsedDoc = Nokogiri::XML(webContent)
pageContent ='body')
puts pageContent.text.gsub(/<.*?\/?>/, '')

Answer №2

If you're looking for a solution to your problem, consider leveraging Loofah in combination with Nokogiri.

With Loofah, the process would involve:

content = Loofah.fragment(html)

By utilizing the prune scrub feature, you'll effectively remove any unsafe elements and their subcomponents, resulting in text output separated by new line characters.

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