Utilize Sass variables to store CSS font-size and line-height properties for seamless styling management

How can I save the font size and line height in a Sass variable, like so:

$font-normal: 14px/21px;

When using this declaration, I notice that a division occurs as explained in the Sass documentation. Is there a way to prevent this division from happening?
Important: I am using the SCSS syntax.

Answer №1

As outlined in the SCSS reference found at http://sass-lang.com/docs/yardoc/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#division_and_slash, the expected behavior is clearly defined. One way to implement this is by creating a mixin:

@mixin fontandline{
  font: 14px/12px;

Then, whenever you need to use it again, simply include it like this:

@include fontandline;

For further details, refer to http://sass-lang.com/docs/yardoc/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#mixins.

EDIT: Based on the latest documentation (link provided above), the following code snippet

p {
  $font-size: 12px;
  $line-height: 30px;
  font: #{$font-size}/#{$line-height};

should be compiled to

p {
  font: 12px/30px;

Answer №2

I implemented this code snippet:$variable: unquote("14px/17px");

Answer №3

Expanding on the response from @capi-etheriel:

Include the following code at the beginning of the scss file:

@use "sass:list";

Then, define $font-normal as follows:

$font-normal: list.slash(14px, 21px);

In order for font: to function properly, you must specify at least a font-family:

p {
  font: $font-normal sans-serif;

I assume you are already aware of this requirement.

This will result in the following css output:

p: 14px/21px sans-serif;

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