What is the best way to place two span elements beside each other?

Is there a way to align the name and address on the same line, with the address positioned on the right and the name on the left? Currently, the address is appearing on a separate line from the name. How can I resolve this issue? Here is the provided code for reference:

<span id="name">First Last</span> 
<span id="address">123 Address Rd.</span>



Answer №1

<div style="text-align:right;width:100%">
    <span style="float:left">Text on the left</span>
    Text on the right

These elements will appear on the same line, you can also adjust the parent div's text-align to left and float the span to the right side! For example:

<div style="text-align:left;width:100%">
<span style="float:right">Text on the right</span>
Text on the left

Answer №2

To achieve the desired text alignment, simply remove the float:left; property. Here is the updated code snippet:


<span id="name">First Last</span> 
<span id="address">123 Address Rd.</span>

If you must use float:left;, you can still align the text correctly by adjusting the padding-top to create the right offset for smaller text. Ensure that the smaller text has more top-padding and align the text to the right:

<span id="name">First Last</span> 
<span id="address">123 Address Rd.</span>

Answer №3

To ensure the elements are aligned in a row when floating them, make sure to include consistent line-height and padding.

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